Dispelling Assisted Living Myths

Assisted living is part of a continuum of long-term care services that provides a combination of housing, personal care services, and health care support services.


Therapy Solutions No Matter the Location

For older adults recovering from an injury, surgery or illness, there are various therapy services that can support them throughout the process in order to ensure the best health outcomes.


Easing the Transition to Assisted Living

Moving out of the family home and into an assisted living community may not be the easiest of transitions. For older adults who’ve spent decades living at the same address, relocating can be difficult and stressful. However, there are ways for loved ones to help minimize the stress of the move.


When is the Right Time to Consider Assisted Living?

Life can change in a moment, and determining when to move from home or independent living to an assisted living community can be overwhelming. This difficult situation may be lessened by starting the conversation early and often talking about what’s coming down the road for an aging loved one.


Three Decades of Family Caregiving Support

For our 30th episode, we celebrate CarePatrol’s 30th year of supporting older adults and their family members to navigate care solutions. Founded in 1993 by a social worker after observing the personal trauma experienced by a family whose loved one had been placed in the wrong type of facility, CarePatrol became the pioneer organization whose core values are dedicated to being a comprehensive personal service and valuable resource for families during the placement of a loved one.


Navigating Family Disagreements when Caring for an Aging Parent

Issues and stress can develop among adult siblings when caring for a parent or an elderly loved one.


Jumpstart to Downsizing

Downsizing and dismantling a home filled with possessions from the past 20, 30 or 40 years can be emotionally difficult, but having a plan and clear path can help keep the memories and make the transition just a little easier.


The Importance of Estate Planning

Estate planning documents help guide your family members and loved ones to understand and carry out asset disposition and your care and end-of-life wishes. Most importantly, an estate plan can help reduce family burden and stress. While the majority of adults believe estate planning is important, only one-third have actually created one.


Hospice: Myths, Facts & New Options

Did you know that hospice and end-of-life services focus on the care and comfort of individuals who are currently living with a serious illness and choose not to continue treatment? Yet, only half of all Medicare beneficiaries use their hospice benefit.


Paying for Assisted Living

Nearly one million older adults in the U.S. reside in Assisted Living communities, and over half of these residents are aged 85 years or older. Paying to reside in an Assisted Living community is likely a major consideration when selecting the right care solution for yourself or a loved one. If you’re struggling to decipher how much assisted living costs, you’re not alone.


Aging in Place? Why Home Modifications are Important

Most older adults indicate they would like to remain in their homes as they age. However, they most likely have not considered the modifications needed to ensure their home is suitable for “aging in place.” Listen in as a Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist shares her insights on aging in place and how home modifications support safety and independence


The Benefits of a Living Estate Sale

As the baby boomer population continues to age, the need for quick, easy personal property sales continues to escalate, especially when preparing to downsize or move to a senior living community. This time can be a stressful one, particularly when years of saved “treasures” are factored into the equation. Listen in as an Estate Sales professional shares her insights on living estate sales, planning considerations, resources and more.