How to Navigate Senior Living Options in the “Sandwich Generation”

If you’re taking care of your children and aging loved ones at the same time, you may be feeling stretched thin. It may seem like you never have time for…


5 Ways Baby Boomers are Transforming Senior Care

The baby boomer generation—those born between 1946 and 1964—is made up of about 68 million Americans. That’s 68 million people enjoying the fruits of their labor, thinking about retirement, and…


Strategies to Deal with Stress as a Caregiver

Caring for a family member or loved one is a common occurrence here in the United States and with our population aging, those numbers are on the rise. According to the Mayo Clinic, nearly 1 in 3 American adults are considered informal caregivers, not paid for these responsibilities but juggling them among working, raising kids, and taking care of everyday tasks. This scenario may hit close to home if you’re a caregiver or someone you love holds down this role.


Stay Social

July is Social Wellness Month. Staying engaged to a network of supportive friends and family members carries many benefits, especially to help mitigate loneliness. With life changes, illness, and loss as universal themes of aging, many seniors find themselves struggling with depression and anxiety. According to the World Health Organization, over 20% of adults over the age of 60 are dealing with a mental or neurological disorder.


Father’s Day Gift Guide

Dads are the rock of the family and are our first and most powerful male role model. You may have inherited your dad’s sense of humor, work ethic or love of a sports team. This Father’s Day, explore the ways that tech devices can help make your dad’s life easier and even more fun.


Celebrating National Nurses Week

Did you know that nurses are more at risk to sustain a back injury on a shift than a construction worker? Or that during an average 12-hour shift, a nurse can walk for 4 miles or longer? These active and caring professionals give it their all each and every day, so we’re taking a week to express our thanks!


How to Deal with Stress

April is Stress Awareness Month. It is a gift, an opportunity to take some time to be still and reflect upon the stress levels that we are experiencing. While stress is something that can be helpful and protect us in the short term, chronic stress can impact our physical well-being.


Technology Helps Seniors with Memory Issues

Many of us will be impacted by a loved one receiving a diagnosis of a memory issue like dementia. Dementia refers to a deterioration in cognitive function that surpasses the normal memory decline that happens with biological aging.


After-Hospital Care for Seniors: What Families Should Know

When an older adult is admitted to the hospital or rehabilitation facility, it can be a stressful and overwhelming time for them and their family. However, what many families don’t…


Does My Loved One Need Senior Care? Top Signs It May Be Time

One of the hardest things about caring for an elderly loved one is knowing when to broach the subject of senior living. If they’re starting to show signs of decline…


Caring for Parents and Children at the Same Time

If your worries often switch between concern for your aging parents and your children, you may be part of the group known as the “sandwich generation.” Most likely, you’re between 40-59 years old and are a part of Generation X, though about 19% of this group are millennials under 40 and over 10% are over the age of 60.


Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Did you know that the world’s most common eye color is brown—or that humans can see more shades of green than any other color? January is National Eye Care Month, an ideal opportunity to schedule an annual eye exam and follow some tips to maintain your eye health.